Happy Halloween!
Super C to the rescue! That is, unless he's at school for the Halloween party... Once again, C decides to not wear a costume. It has been an ongoing refusal, but I thought we had finally broken through whatever anti-costume feelings he had. This time last year he refused to don his cowboy costume at school or for trick-or-treating. Then at his end-of-year concert he refused to wear the costume. But this year he has been wearing his superman costume in the house and wore it to the Halloween party with his playgroup. So, I thought we were over this, whatever this is. But no. This morning at school he got as far as putting the shirt on before he decided against it and demanded it to be taken off. Despite my and the teacher's attempts at convincing him otherwise, he celebrated the Halloween party in his street clothes. Ah well, I guess I'll save money and energy in not having to get a costume for him every year...