Friday, August 1, 2008

LC's new skills

I'm almost 13.5 months old and I can do lots of things! My biggest accomplishment is walking. I've been taking my own steps since I was in America in June, right around the time I turned 1. But, I haven't had the confidence to walk all the time on my own until just about 1 week ago. But once I started I don't want to do anything but walk and I rarely want any help and I almost never fall down. I was just waiting until I was really good at it before I decided to walk all the time. You can see me walk right here!

I can also say some words, sort of. I can still say my first word, "mumum" but I don't say it very often anymore. I also still say "up", which was one of my first words, and "mama" too. My favorite word is "ba" for ball. I say it all the time because I LOVE balls! They're my favorite toys! I also say "bu" for book, and "boo" for shoe. I love shoes and socks. But I say "boo" for just about everything. My mom even calls me "boo boo" sometimes cuz I say "boo" for just about any word I don't know. But I definitely say "boo" for shoe. Oh, and I say "this", and I like to point to things and say "this". That's about all I can say, but I'm understanding a lot of things!

I'm also a good little pitcher like my brother. My parents say I have a great arm, and I think they secretly hope that one of us will become a major league pitcher. Well, probably more my dad than my mom, but they both think it sometimes. I like to splash in the water a lot too and I like to go swimming. Mostly I like to try to do all the things my big brother does. I know I can't yet, and that makes me frustrated, but I still try!

I have definite opinions about things. Like when my mom or dad tries to feed me something I don't like, I scrunch up my face and shake my head from side to side and spit it out. YUCK! And I get very upset when I don't get what I want. I even throw fits and my parents laugh about it, but they try to hide that they're laughing. That doesn't make me happy either. I take my mom or dad's hand to take them somewhere when I want to go somewhere, like outside. And I won't let them read me a book that I don't want to read. I have revolving favorite books, and they have to read those books to me or else I won't let them read. I push anything away that I don't want! My favorite books right now is an animal sounds book with lots of different animals and the sounds they make, and a picture/word book of lots of different objects. My mom says it was one of my brother's favorite books too.

So now that I'm 13 months old I can do lots of different things! I'm a toddler now!

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