Sunday, September 7, 2008


It was my birthday on Sunday. We started celebrating on Friday night though with presents and my favorite chocolate cake in Jakarta (from a place called Gourmet Garage). Then on Saturday J and I stole away to a hotel in the center of Jakarta for the weekend. We spent a lazy day shopping, getting massages, relaxing at the hotel, and enjoying a delicious dinner at one of our two favorite restaurants in town (we went to Scusa, the other being Blowfish). The best part of the meal was that I discovered why people think tirimisu is such a big deal, because when it's done well, it really is a big deal (see photo above)! Yum! We slept in on Sunday, although unfortunately didn't sleep well, thanks to the idiot who kept calling my phone at 5 a.m., even though it was obviously a wrong number! We then enjoyed a lazy brunch and then headed back home to take care of the troops. And that's when my husband informed me that the "festival of B" was over. So sad.

So yeah, I turned 36. I've decided that this must be the official start of middle age. At least that's the way it feels to me. I'm on the downward slope to 40, I can't get away with saying I'm in my "early 30's" anymore, when life held the excitement of starting my career in earnest, buying our first home, having children. Now we've been there - done that. What makes the late 30's exciting and spectacular? I don't know...compared to our early 30's and our 20's it doesn't feel like much. Granted there will be another big move in there at some point, either back to the US or to another country, but other than that, it will be about career development and the kids getting older, but "excitement" doesn't come to mind. Don't get me wrong, I'm not depressed about turning 36, just reflecting on my life thus far and feeling like I've entered my era of middle-ageness (yes J, I know that's not a word). I guess that's all ok, in a kind of mundane way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday, B. I find it hard to believe you feel middle aged because you MUST only be about 14. . .I still see you looking down from the loft bunk.

Be that as it may and me living all these years also, I would like to tell you how exciting my 40s were. First and foremost, my children grew into people - that is breathtaking if you can stand back enough from the vortex to see it (and good luck with teenagers, she said viciously). Second, personal opportunities for growth, challenge, and change are sparked by their growth and also given some room as they age and spend more time away from you (theoretically leaving you more time to be you). And finally, although with your traveling lifestyle perhaps differently, relationships mature to the blooming stage (because you have known each other for so long) and if you are diligent about watering and feeding, can bloom for the rest of your life.

So there are three things to be excited about at this stage of your game. We'll talk again when you really get to middle age:)

Pinko Grammy