Friday, April 11, 2008


Here are a couple "C-isms" - funny little things C says or does. Unfortunately most of them happen randomly and I don't write them down, and so I forget them soon after. But here are just a couple that I managed to remember.

C: "The poop isn't coming out"

B: "Why not?"

C: "Maybe it's sleeping"

J, randomly singing "Watcha, watcha, watcha watcha want, want..."

C: "Sandwiches!"


School sends home a weekly report and a monthly book of the artwork and writing that C does. There are a few gems from this past month:

In practicing his listening skills, C said that "beautiful means something that makes your heart happy". Um, do I have the sweetest 3 year old EVER?!

C is quite taken with dinosaurs, volcanoes and monsters . They've even replaced cars as his favorite things to play with and draw. So you'll see a theme here in his drawings:

- writing an R with some other squiggles: "This is an R monster. It doesn't have legs"

- a drawing similar to that above but with more lines and squiggles: "It's mommy. She is going to see a volcano with Nana. They are going to see a big volcano, but it didn't explode."

- a drawing of a dinosaur, and a pretty good drawing at that: "This is a dinosaur. He is mad. He is stomping his feet. He is mad because the other dinosaurs are not happy and he is going to kill them." (I'm not thrilled with the "killing" talk but I guess that's bound to happen when talking about dinosaurs and monsters.)

- a drawing of 2 flowers: "This is a flower. It has legs and poo coming out. She forget to go to the toilet."

- a drawing of a baby (big head and face and 2 legs. No body, who needs a body?!): "This is my brother. He is not crying. He is smiling. He has two arms, two legs, two eyes, one nose and a mouth".

Photo of C going on his first school field trip

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