It is amazing how absolutely and easily I (and the global, well Western, "we" I suspect) have become dependent on technology. I actually hate technology in a way, because I don't know how to fix it or manipulate it, only how to use it in a fairly basic way. And yet I go batty when I don't have access to the internet, to my email, to my files that are stored on my computer, etc. I'm not reliable with my cell phone; I often forget to bring it with me or adopt a recurring independent streak of not wanting to be reachable by anyone at anytime, just because They want to reach me. It frustrates my husband, aka Mr Gadget, to no end. Our tv set-up back home was a total maze of wires and complexities that J arranged. I knew how to use it, but as soon as something wasn't quite right it took about 30 seconds before I was throwing the remote across the room and cursing J for being thousands of miles away (this of course always happened when he was traveling) when all of a sudden I couldn't watch x show. Oh the horrors, I know.
This long diatribe on technology is a round about way of telling you that my work computer, my main computer, crashed last night. And this time I am without my trusted work IT people back in DC, who mercifully fixed it the last time this happened. Perhaps my office here will be able to fix it, and if not I will have to take it to complete strangers and pray they are able to fix it and not lose my hard drive in the process. I feel so vulnerable.
I also have a post ready to go, but it is saved on this other computer (ok, we actually have 4 computers for a 2 adult family: 2 work computers for J and me; 1 laptop that J had when he was a consultant (the one I'm using now); and our home desktop computer which is somewhere on the Pacific or Indian ocean (I actually have no idea which way the ship would have gone). Is this ridiculous? Yes, but it is saving my tushy right now). So you are stuck with a post about my technology woes.
In an exciting (yeah right!) update to my house preparations, I purchased dishes and glasses. I found some that are designed by an Indonesian artist, so they are quite unique. I also found some adorable children's dishes, also designed by an Indonesian. So we will not have to eat off the floor, and can actually do so in style. I also found a maternity swimsuit, which I have been searching for since arriving. I found a very cute maternity store with items that are not matronly like most of the maternity items I've seen here. I am so glad, for so many reasons, that I am not here for a first pregnancy. One reason is that I don't have to buy all of my maternity clothes here. 3 of my girlfriends and I back home all had children within about 16 months of each other, so we all contributed to a very sizable collection. I therefore brought some of the clothes here, and only have to add a few pieces.
I actually have thoughts throughout the day that are much more interesting than this blabber. But I forget them, and then you are stuck with the above. So sorry. I think I may start carrying a notebook with me so when I do have more interesting thoughts/observations I won't lose them to the black hole that is my memory. I also need to start carrying around my camera. One of my friends suggested I start an Indonesian word-a-day addition to my blog. I think this is a good idea and will do that once J and I actually start learning a word a day! We plan to get a tutor once we're settled in our house. Now, should I end up doing this, it will be a word-a-post, not every day, but hopefully it will be fun.
I got stuck in a stairwell yesterday. I finally got home from my exhausting shopping excursion, but needed to do laundry and needed to eat. After leaving the laundry room I decided to go down the stairs since I only had one floor to go, forgetting, in my food and water starved brain, that this is not the US and safety is not of utmost importance. I couldn't get out. Both the ground floor and first floor doors were locked. Wow, do I feel safe, with our room on the top floor of this hotel and all. I mean, why should I worry, it's not like fires or earthquakes or floods ever happen in this part of the world! Fortunately there were staff around who could let me out before I withered away in a starved, crying fit. I didn't end up eating lunch until 3 pm, NOT a good idea for a pregnant woman. And then I spent the rest of the day feeling absolutely dreadful, like I was 9 months pregnant. And then my computer crashed. The successful morning I had yesterday did not end well.
Speaking of safety, or lack thereof, C and I were also electrocuted a couple weeks ago. We went down to the kiddie pool; C was ahead of me and all of a sudden broke into hysterics. I went over to him and touched the rail and felt a mild shock. I scooped C up and we both recovered quickly. And we stayed away from the kiddie pool. I told the lifeguard about this, and his response? Yes, I know, someone has been contacted to repair it. Oh, that's great and all I thought, but there are about 3 kids playing in the pool and there's no sign warning anyone, especially the small children and pregnant women, that there is a live wire around the pool. Really great. (On a side note, I found some info. on electrocution and pregnancy and if it is mild and localized, that is not coursing through the abdomen, there should be nothing to worry about). One of my professors from grad school, who is a renowned injury prevention expert, would shutter at these stories.
Well, I've written enough randomness today. Hopefully I'll have another post up soon if I get my computer fixed.