Monday, March 5, 2007

C stands for Cute

I thought I'd better write some about C today so the grandparents and others who love him don't start writing me nasty emails. Basically, he's doing great. He is still the sweetest, most adorable little boy on the planet, as well as being charming and smart and funny. He is going through a very polite phase as well (or do I dare hope that this will remain???) and is almost always ready with a "thank you", "excuse me", "please", "bless you", "I love you" and "I'm sorry". He is always ready to laugh and is very social, although he tends to be shy at first when meeting new people. That passes quickly though and he is soon telling people all about his trains and cars, or what bug he saw that day, etc. He has always had a great sense of humor. Even when he was a baby he would laugh easily and make the funniest faces. Well, the face making has become even more elaborate since then and his humor more refined, and it is obvious he loves to make us laugh. His favorite toys are his toy cars and trains. He also enjoys his toy animals, kitchen set, baby doll, play-doh, coloring, reading books - all typical toddler things I imagine. He spends most of his days now outside, taking walks around our neighborhood, finding bugs, playing hide and seek, and cutting grass with his toy lawn mower.

He has his 2 year-old moments of course. In recent history he had his Great Sulking phase, but that has largely passed. Getting him dressed in the morning, getting his diaper changed (we actually just started potty training today - we'll see how that goes...We welcome any advice!) and cleaning up his toys are constant struggles, but he gets very few time-outs so it is usually easy resolved.

There have been definite changes over the past 2 weeks, since we moved into our house. I believe C knew the hotel was just temporary, and I think this caused him some feelings of being unsettled, which was completely understandable. It's hard to know just what C understands about this move, but in the least I think he knew that while we were in the hotel he was not in any sort of "home". He would remind us daily about things from home..."remember my toys? remember my friends x,y,z from school? remember the park?". Since we moved into our house, however, he rarely mentions these things and we can just tell he feels much more settled. Our sea shipment is due to arrive this week, god willing, and it contains the rest of his toys and bedroom furniture. Once he has these things I think the settling in process for him will be near to complete.

Many of C's funniest moments have been certain looks he gives us, so unfortunately I can't really convey to you just how cute they are. He does say funny things too, although my miniscule memory can't remember most of them. One that I do remember that I love is when we're playing and we tell him, "we're going to eat your ear" and proceed to nibble on his ear, he tells us "don't eat my ear mommy, it's not lunch time!". Another recent gem is if he sees a man (or woman or kid) sitting alone, he tells them they're in a time-out. His nanny loves that one.

So this is a bit about C and his life right now. Like I've mentioned he is showered with attention daily and seems to be relishing in it. He is a busy boy and a good boy, and seems to be enjoying his Indonesian life.

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